I’m a postdoc research working with histopathology image analysis for cancer treatment with genetic programming, at the University of Toulouse, France in the IRIT@CRCT group. I got my PhD degree from the University of Tsukuba, Japan. My research interests are related to Computational Intelligence, such as Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life, especially Evolutionary Algorithms (EC), with a greater focus on multi-objective optimization and Cartesian GP. I’m engaged in cooperating in projects for using EC as a tool to solve problems in any field.

EC are heuristics based on ideas from biological evolution. The goal of EC is to learn solutions to challenging computational problems using ideas taken from the evolutionary process. EC can solve a few examples of problems: parameter optimization, product design, expert systems design, linear and non-linear regression, and automated control.

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  1. Awarded PhD scholarship by - MEXT - 文部科学省奨学金, 2020.04 until 2023.03
  2. Awarded masters scholarship by - MEXT - 文部科学省奨学金, 2018.04 until 2020.03
  3. Awarded research scholarship by - MEXT - 文部科学省奨学金, 2017.09 until 2018.03
  4. Awarded research scholarship by CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, 2015.08 until 2016.07.
  5. Awarded research scholarship by CAPES - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, 2014.08 until 2015.08.
  6. Awarded research scholarship by CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, 2014.08 until 2015.07.